Mouse has only one wish this Christmas Eve to catch a glimpse of Santa Claus. But when "From out of the fireplace--bang,crash,and tumble,/Popped merry old Nick in a heap and a jumble,"can Mouse be content just to peek? Soon, with "a swoosh and a swish"he is bundled deep into the darkness of Santa's bag. When he finally frees himself, Mouse is awed to find he is "high above Earth in the winter night sky,/Streaking past stars in a sleigh that could fly."Thus begins a wondrous journey that Mouse will never forget--and that will satisfy every child's Christmas Eve wish. This charming fantasy, written in pleasing verse by award-winning author-illustrator Michael Garland and illuminated by his lustrous, nighttime art, evokes the magic of being carried aloft in the wintry night sky, circling the Earth in the thrilling embrace of Santa's swift sleigh. Racing over bridges and castles, traversing cities and countries, flying above lakes and rivers, readers are carried along with Mouse on a whirlwind tour of the world's monuments and sights as Santa delivers gifts to children everywhere. And of course, by the end, there's a gift for Mouse as well a teeny tiny hat, just like you-know-who's.