Where's Bear?
·所属类别:精装 家庭生活 普通纸介书 8-10 岁 绘本 6-8 岁
·作者:Hilary McKay  
·出版社: Margaret K. McElderry


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Simon thinks Snowtop is the most beautiful bear in the world. His fur is partly soft and partly hard and sticky, Between his ears and under his chin he is snow white, but the rest of him is Pale gray with patches of wet grass color, sandbox color, and jam color. He&&&^s just perfect! To Simon, that is. Simon&&&^s mother and grandmother feel somewhat differently.

One day, Gran whisks Simon out of the house and takes him on a wonderful adventure -- to the toy store, the fair, and for ice cream and cake. Gran moves so fast that Simon doesn&&&^t have a moment to ask where Snowtop is. When they return home, a new bear is sitting in Snowtop&&&^s place on Simon&&&^s bed. This bear is soft and fluffy and white and smells of soap. This is Strange Bear, and Simon doesn&&&^t like him. "Where gone, Snowtop?" Simon cries.

Simon takes Strange Bear to help him look for Snowtop. They look everywhere -- through the house, outside in the wet grass and the sandbox, and in the kitchen (where they have some bread and jam to give themselves strength). Exhausted from their fruitless search, Simon and Strange Bear fall asleep. In the morning, there is Snowtop! But where has Strange Bear gone?

Hilary McKay has written a finmy and gently reassuring story that is happily reflected in Alex Ayliffe&&&^s bold and colorful pictures. The story of Simon and Snowtop, will be delightfully appealing to toddlers and grown-ups alike.




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